D4FLY participated at FRONTEX EXP DOC meeting

D4FLY project was invited by the Frontex Centre of Excellence for combating Document Fraud (CED) to present an overview of its current achievements at the EXP DOC 2nd Plenary Meeting held on 16th of February 2021.

The EXP-DOC is represented by the EU MS/SAC nominated document experts and representatives of Canada. The purpose of the plenary is to gain a general overview of document control and document fraud detection related initiatives and projects and to identify synergies and potential areas of common interest for better cooperation in the fight against document and identity fraud.

This year the event attracted around 100 participants including document experts and representatives from the European Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs (DGHome), as well as the EU Research Executive Agency.

D4FLY was granted a four-hour time slot to present key achievements from WP8 “Document Verification”. The topics were related to: Kinegram analysis, visual document analysis, detection of fraud in details, tactical anomaly detection, travel pattern extraction from visa pages, block chain, and verification of the electronic chip in a passport.

Dr. Henri Bouma from TNO (WP8 leader) and Mr. Armin Reuter from Veridos (D4FLY Project Coordinator) were the moderators for D4FLY’s participation in the event. We thank the FRONTEX team for the organization and hosting of this event.