Related projects

A Platform for Monitoring and Prediction of Social Impact and Acceptability of Modern Border Control Technology
The EU-funded METICOS project aims to create an up-to-date acceptance classification scheme as well as a societal and ethical impact dashboard of border control technologies, to empower three major sub-divisions of the wider border control sector: travelers, border control authorities and service providers.
METICOS will focus on established models and theories, such as the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) and Innovation Diffusion Theory. In addition, performance and credibility expectations of smart border technologies from travelers, border management and law enforcement agencies will be explored in detail. As such, METICOS aims to create a holistic solution to address challenges for border management, both as regards societal acceptance and efficiency.
The METICOS toolkit will be validated in two application scenarios and in five different countries.

TRESSPASS (robusT Risk basEd Screening and alert System for PASSengers and luggage)
TRESSPASS project aims to change the way the security checks at border crossing points (BCPs) are held out by introducing an analytic framework for modelling risk and a systematic approach of quantifying risk. Risk indicators for each traveller are accurately estimated from available data collected from background information, sensors and applications. TRESSPASS solutions concern air, maritime and land (including foot, car and train) border crossing points, and specifically travel routes that combine different modalities.

An Enhanced Common Information Sharing Environment for Border Command, Control and Coordination Systems
ANDROMEDA project aims to unlock the full potential of CISE, by validating in a long period of time CISE-compatible command, control and coordination systems from several Coast and Border Agencies. At the same time, it is envisaged to further enhance, validate and demonstrate CISE by extending its scope for land borders and adapting relevant C2 solutions and associated services. This will be accomplished by extending the CISE data model based on the use cases and requirements and adapting state-of-the-art command & control systems for full compliancy with the enhanced model and CISE message exchange patterns. The project architecture will follow a hybrid scheme in order to allow the usage of the End User CISE Nodes/Gateways and at the same time to allow the testing and validation of the extended data model. The project will leverage on the developments, results and experience of the consortium from current and previous research projects (PERSEUS, CloseEye, MARISA, RANGER), from National Procurement projects of CISE Nodes and Adaptors and on the CISE infrastructure of the End Users.

SMILE Action proposes a novel concept of mobility that addresses the challenges at the European land borders, by designing, implementing, and evaluating in a relevant environment (TRL6) a prototype management architecture for accurate verification, automated control, monitoring and optimisation of people flows. It will take advantage of the capabilities of smart mobile devices in border control for secure and reliable authentication and processes their exploitation as a part of a biometric multimodal verification process that augments/complements existing approaches. The idea of SMILE mobility is based on private cloud infrastructure technologies that will communicate with remote handhelds through a secure gateway. The SMILE Action will target the land borders, so the proposed technological and operational framework will be tested through demonstrations at two Border Crossing Points.
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PERSONA project has been brought into being in order to come up with a unified and tailored Impact Assessment Method for No-Gate Crossing Point Solutions capable of appropriately evaluating border controlling technologies and of ensuring that these solutions meet the requirements and expectations of governments, LEAS, and border crossing individuals. PERSONA investigates a wide range of state-of-the-art contactless crossing point technologies, associated risks and benefits, taking into account effectiveness (e.g. time, cost), human behaviour, gender, legal frameworks, societal issues, privacy concerns, data protection, and possible risk of discrimination. The project’s goal is to provide respective authorities with the intellectual means for first assessing and then choosing no-gated border crossing solutions appropriately, so that the general public can have confidence in the security, safety, legality and ethical soundness of these.

PROTECT project’s aim is to build an advanced biometric-based person identification system that works robustly across a range of border crossing types and that has strong user-centric features. PROTECT deals with the problem of queuing but also that of proactively detecting spoofing attempts through advanced application of multimodal biometrics and counter spoofing. PROTECT goal is to optimise security and integrity of facilitation of travellers, as well as enhancing the experience for citizens including for non-EU and frequent travellers.