Press releases

Lietuvos pasienyje išbandytos inovatyvios technologijos: pažeidimus aptiks greičiau
Press release in Lithuanian by SBGS and BPTI, 4th August 2021

Veridos reaches halfway point and first results in D4Fly project
Press release in English by Veridos, 12th May 2021

Veridos paves the way for secure and autonomous border crossing
Press release in English by Veridos, 14th January 2021

Dokumentų patikrai pasienyje ketina pasitelkti dirbtinį intelektą
Press relase in Lithuanian by BPTI, 25th November 2020

Veridos leads new EU research project on border control
Press release in English by Veridos, 26th February 2019

Nelegaliai sieną kertančius asmenis gaudyti pareigūnams padės naujos technologijos
Press release in Lithuanian by BPTI, 10th December 2019