Continuous Person Verification Using Smartphone Multisensory Data

By Lulu Chen, Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Dept. of Computer Science – University of Reading

15th October 2021

Smartphones have become an important part of people’s daily lives. Even in border settings, smartphones are continuously used by travellers for convenience in travel services, entertainment and communication. 

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3D Face Recognition for Border Control Points

By  Antonios Danelakis, Postdoc Researcher, Dept. Computer Science, NTNU

14th April 2021

 Before its automation became commonplace, face recognition at border control points was performed by a law enforcement agent manually using typical 2-dimensional (2D) frontal facial images that came either from still captures or from video footages. 

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Introducing blockchain technology in the border security context

By Niko Lehto, Anni Karinsalo, Laura Salmela VTT, Finland.

26 February 2021

European research cooperation provides a comprehensive framework for the development and testing of emerging technologies in new application areas, including also law enforcement actors.Introducing technology-wise something new is never too easy, particularly in a highly regulated sector such as border control. 

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The biggest fears and reasons for automated document checks

By Dr. Henri Bouma, TNO, The Netherlands

14th January 2021

During the Christmas holiday, I was reflecting on my work in the D4FLY project and asking myself the ‘why’-question: Why am I contributing to the development of new Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques that can be used to enhance the authentication of travel, identity or breeder documents. And I noticed that there are reasons to develop these techniques, but there are also arguments to be very careful. In this blog, I will summarize the main reasons to desire them, and I will also describe my biggest fears.

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Ethics, Privacy and Data Protection in D4FLY

By Zachary J. Goldberg, PhD, Trilateral Research

9th November 2020

Document and identity verification and authentication have become increasingly important in light of a rise in identity document fraud upon entry to the EU/Schengen area. Improperly obtained, forged, or counterfeit documents are being used to facilitate human trafficking and movement by terrorists across borders.

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